For a better life.

Patagonia Farms SpA © is a Chilean Company that have already two aprovals in Chile to grow cannabis for the extraction of pharmaceutical CBD. (THC and other plant based molecules are part of a second stage of the company production schedule).
We work and have a colaboration contract with the medicine faculty from the University of Chile were we have our Analytics laboratory (Patagonia Analytics).
Our first cannabis plantations will be in the third quarter of 2023.
Patagonia Farms has gathered a highly qualified team for the execution of the project , which has as its ultimate goal the production of wholesale high quality products to supply the global demand and produced in a euGMP certified pharmaceutical laboratory who is already authorized to be build by the health chilean authorities (ISP).
Patagonia Farms SpA trabaja y colabora con la facultad de medicina de la universidad de Chile.



Cannabis y radiación ultravioleta

Cannabis y radiación ultravioleta: papel del tetrahidrocannabinol como sustancia fotoprotectora Dr. Pedro Serra El tetrahidrocannabinol (THC) es el principal componente psicoactivo del cannabis. Su acción farmacológica se basa esencialmente en la capacidad de esta...

Patagonia Farms

Patagonia Farms ® SpA / Cannabis cultivado de forma orgánica. Laboratorio de producción farmacéutica. Chile.Patagonia Farms © SpA es una empresa chilena que ha visto en el cannabis la posibilidad…